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Must be a current ACPA-MI and ACPA member by March 1 of their term and have a commitment to moving the organization forward in a positive and energizing way.

Expectations of all ACPA- MI Leadership Team Members

  • Attend most if not all Leadership Team meetings, first meeting of the year will be in Jan/Feb
  • Attend at least ½ of the regional engagement activities [socials/brown bags/professional development opportunities]
  • Set aside 1-2 hours per week to dedicate to ACPA-MI work depending on position
  • Work toward individual position and board goals
  • Must have current memberships with ACPA-MI and ACPA by March 1st
  • All Leadership Team positions will work to help ACPA – MI to uphold our statement of Social Justice & Inclusion
  • All Leadership Team members will assist in the planning of and attend the Annual Conference (Fall) and annual drive-in conference (May/June)
  • Perform other functions and assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Leadership Team
  • Serve a 2-year term, if a term is vacated mid-year, the president will appoint a replacement until the next election cycle.


Association President (3-year term)

Year 1- President-Elect (Vacant): The president-elect shall, in the absence of the president, act as president at all business meetings of the Association and at all Executive Council meetings, and otherwise substitute for the president in the discharge of official duties. The president-elect shall serve as a co-chairperson of the Annual Conference Committee. The president-elect shall succeed to the office of presidency when the term as president-elect is completed. The president-elect shall be a member of ACPA and shall attend the annual ACPA spring conference meetings for State Division leaders, in accordance with ACPA relationship duties. This position involves a three-year commitment (president-elect, acting president, and then past-president).

Year 2- President: The president is the chief elected officer of the Association; presides at all state meetings of the Association, chairs and presides at meetings of the Executive Council, appoints all committee chairpersons, serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, and is the primary liaison with the ACPA – College Student Educators International for state chapter related matters. The president shall be a member of ACPA – College Student Educators International and, at the beginning of the president’s term, will make every effort to attend the ACPA – College Student Educators International national conference and summer ACPA – College Student Educators International Institute for State Division leaders as institutional funding permits, in accordance with ACPA – College Student Educators International relationship duties. The president shall automatically become past-president in the year following his/her one-year term of office.

Year 3- Past-President: The past-president shall serve as an advisor to the president and as a member of the Executive Council. The past-president shall serve as chair of the Nomination and Election process for officers and Executive Council members and shall also coordinate the annual awards process.

Administration Coordinator (2-year term)

The administration coordinator shall record and maintain minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Council, and shall transmit said minutes in writing to the Executive Council members. The administration coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining the Association archives, maintaining the member database, developing and monitoring a listserv, new member recruitment, revision of the ACPA-MI By-Laws, development of Association awards, Affirmative Action Statement and goals, and other membership-related duties.

Social Justice & Inclusion Chair (2-year term)

(Vacant) The Social Justice & Inclusion Chair guides the association in ensuring a continued effort toward social justice, equity and inclusion as an ACPA entity. This person will be responsible for planning an annual drive-in event for professionals in higher education in the State of Michigan. Responsible for reviewing and proposing updates to the Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion statement. Integrates social justice and diversity initiatives into ACPA-MI’s outreach, programming, and professional development opportunities offered.

Finance Coordinator (2-year term)

The finance coordinator shall maintain accurate records of all financial transactions including membership, deposits, withdrawals, expenses, and reimbursements. Disburse funds subject to the approval of the president and make financial reports to the leadership team. Provide financial information for mid-year and annual report processes. Oversees sponsorship, gifts in kind, and donation/contributions. Create and maintain a database of past donors.

Members-At-Large (2-year term)

Members At Large (MAL) shall be elected for a term of two years. Members At Large will alternate years (one elected in odd years, one elected in even years). MAL will be responsible for helping facilitate drive-in conference opportunities and other items needed by the presidential team or the board.


Annual Conference Co-Chair(s)

(Vacant for 2024) The annual conference chair(s) collaborate with other leadership team members to plan, implement, promote, and market the annual conference. Incorporate the next generation team, as part of the overall conference team. Work closely with the communications coordinator regarding website presence, registration, technical, social media campaign, and other technology needs. Submit budget to overall leadership team and manage billing, accounting, financial needs with finance coordinator. Liaison with the ACPA International Office to communicate details and to help market the conference. Oversee the next generation team, as part of the overall conference team.

JEDI Drive-in Conference Co-Chair(s)

(Vacant for 2025) The JEDI Drive-in Conference chair(s) collaborate with other leadership team members to plan, implement, promote, and market the annual JEDI Drive-in Conference. Incorporate the next generation team, as part of the overall conference team. Work closely with the communications coordinator regarding website presence, registration, technical, social media campaign, and other technology needs. Submit budget to overall leadership team and manage billing, accounting, financial needs with finance coordinator. Liaison with the ACPA International Office to communicate details and to help market the conference. Oversee the next generation team, as part of the overall conference team.

Communications Coordinator

The communications coordinator will promote the use of technology as a means of communication and networking within ACPA-MI (E-newsletter, webinars, etc). Encourages the Leadership Team to use various forms of social media to meet the needs of the membership. Responsible for developing a communication strategy brand management plan to enhance organizational effectiveness. Evaluate, revise, and enhance ACPA-MI promotional materials and other media efforts. Assist the Annual Conference and Workshop planning teams regarding marketing, registration, promotion of events through web, print, and online communication strategies. Updates and organizes the ACPA-MI google drive, as needed. Serves as the webmaster for ACPA-MI and manages the membership listserv.

Graduate Student Liaison (Master’s and Graduate level)

The graduate student liaison represents/communicates with the higher education, students affairs, educational leadership graduate programs and student groups affiliated; serves on the next generation planning team. Maintains a communication network across all graduate preparation programs and seeks to engage graduate student involvement in the state of Michigan. Encourage graduate student participation in leadership team events/initiatives, submission of conference programs, and attendance at any ACPA – MI sponsored events. Represent the graduate student perspective at meetings and other events/activities. Collaborates with doctoral level liaison. Supports research and scholarship strategic goals (online resources; blog; webinar development; etc). Oversees poster presentation/case study completion development for the Annual Conference. Works closely with Faculty liaison and collaborates with master’s level liaison.


A board of past ACPA-MI Leadership Team members, coordinated and appointed by the President Team, who assist and advise current ACPA-MI Leadership Team. Performs other duties assigned by the President Team.

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