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Elected Positions

Headshot Casey Dubin

President (2024-25)

Casey Dubina (she/her)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Lake Michigan College
Title: Associate Director, Advising

Vithanage, Brittnie

President-Elect (2025-26)

Brittnie Vithanage (she/her)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Central Michigan University
Title: Assistant Director of Residence Life

Headshot of Yasas Vithanage

Past-President (2024-25)

Yasas Vithanage (yaa-sus v-tah-na-gay)(he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Michigan State University
Title: Assistant Director for Residence Life and JEDI Education.

Tyler Guenette headshot

Finance Coordinator (2023-25)

Tyler Guenette, EdD (he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Michigan College Access Network
Title: Chief of Staff

Chung Kwan Fan, Mark headshot

Administration Coordinator (2024-26)

Mark Chung Kwan Fan (he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Title: Director of Student Life, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design

Ben Sobzeck Heashot

Communications Coordinator (2023-25)

Ben Sobczak (he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Alma College
Title: Assistant Director of Residence Life Operations

ACPA MI Logo. Teal oval housing the shape of the state of Michigan with the text ACAP MICHIGAN on the bottom

Social Justice & Inclusion Coordinator

Vacant- please reach out to us if you have interest for this position!

Malendowski, Nicholas headshot

Member-At-Large (2024-26)

Nick Malendowski (he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Eastern Michigan University
Title: Assistant Director, Honors College

Storlie, Emerson headshot

Graduate Student Liaison (2024-26)

Emerson Storlie (he/they)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Eastern Michigan University

Title: HESA Master's Student and TRIO SSS Graduate Assistant

Appointed Positions

Vithanage, Brittnie headshot

2024 Annual Conference Co-Chair

Brittnie Vithanage (she/her)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Central Michigan University
Title: Assistant Director for Residence Life

Malendowski, Nicholas headshot

2025 JEDI Drive-in Conference Co-Chair

Nick Malendowski (he/him)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Eastern Michigan University
Title: Assistant Director, Honors College

ACPA-Michigan Advisory Board

Headshot Sharese Mathis
Sharese Shannon Mathis (she/her)
Institution: Albion College
Title: Assistant Dean for Campus Life
Headshot Heather Sandlin

Heather Sandlin (she/her)
Email: [email protected]
Current Institution: Wayne State University
Title: Academic Services Officer IV

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